Monday, November 22, 2010

Bankruptcy attorney analyzes the Supreme Court of the expenses of Chapter 13 bankruptcy processing

October 4, the Supreme Court opened its new mandate by expenditure authorised in the chapter 13 bankruptcy case. A bankruptcy lawyer, questions on this topic are some of the more common that I receive.

Specific charge of the Supreme Court addressed was whether someone bankruptcy under Chapter 13 filing might reduce payments to creditors not guaranteed by stating "fresh property" a car on which he had no money.The applicant, Jason Ransom, filed for bankruptcy in 2006 and called for a monthly expense of $471 in its fee property automobile.Ces fresh chapter 13 payment plan would have lowered its 13 payments chapter by nearly $ 28,000 for the duration of the plan.

FIA Card Services, one of the unsecured creditors of the Ransom, objected to its chapter 13 plan. She argued that it could not deduct the cost of car ownership because the IRS manual applies bankruptcy code uses to determine the defined costs to include only lease or loan payments that Ransom was not because he had his car outright.

I hate to say as a consumer bankruptcy attorney, but based on questions, judges as Attorney of the Ransom, I do not like his chances which prevailed in court suprême.Ransom did not find the courts below to be very receptive to his argument to here. The ninth circuit bankruptcy, bankruptcy Appeals Board and the circuit ninth himself any agreement with IAF on the grounds that the language of the IRS manual is clear. It asserts that loan payments and only lease only count property expenses.

This kind of case interpretation frequently offer in all areas of law, not only of the bankruptcy. They usually begin with a law that is either poorly written or flying in front of common sense.Then an aggrieved party argues that this Congress, a State or an organization (such as IRS) could not be made that said Act.Generally, the courts will decide that the plain language of the Act or regulation control, unless the language would call to an absurd result.

This is the case in Ransom.Everyone knows that payments for loan or lease payments are not only present a voiture.Il owner property costs are also insurance, gasoline, maintenance and other dépenses.Ransom more or less maintained because it is absurd does not include other expenses in cost of possession.Malheureusement for him and others bankruptcy filing, the courts have developed the bar very high on this question.Je suspected that the Court will decide the outcome of IRS manual claims is not "absurd enough" and Ransom call will fail YH ' hope that I will be wrong.

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